Harmony 303
Community Choir
The Winter Wheel – SAT lyrics
Words and music by Rosie Sleightholme
The three verses of this song span the stages of winter, from the clocks going backwards to
the door-to-door wassailing that would occur on the pre-Gregorian calendar’s Twelfth Night
on Jan 17th, ‘Old Twelvey Night.
1. The elderberry tree is bare, the berries have all gone
The leaves are on the ground in ev’ry colour under the sun
The clocks have fallen backwards and the nights are getting
There’s only one thing for it Let’s be merry everyone! HEY!
Come and join our singing. The fire’s burning bright
Let’s be warm and jolly through these dark cold winter nights
2. The animals they hunker down Into their earthy beds
We’ve mittens on our hands and woolly hats upon our heads
We’re saving up the harvest and we’re fattening the
The solstice is approaching and we sing our songs of peace! HEY!
3. The wassailers are readying preparing songs of light
They’ll go from door to door to celebrate Old Twelvey Night
The revellers will be merrying with wooden cup in hand
They’ll drink and sing and jig and spread their joy around the
land! HEY!
Chorus x 2
The Winter Wheel Bass
1. Elderberry tree is bare, the berries have all gone
Leaves are on the ground in ev’ry colour under the sun Clocks have fallen backwards and the nights are getting long Come on, let’s be merry everyone! HEY!
Come and join our singing
The fire’s burning bright, fire’s burning
Let’s be warm and jolly
Through these dark cold, dark cold winter nights
2. Animals they hunker down into their earthy beds Mittens on our hands and woolly hats upon our heads Saving up the harvest and we’re fattening the geese Come on let us sing our songs of peace! HEY!
3. Wassailers are readying, preparing songs of light
Go from door to door to celebrate Old Twelvey Night Revellers will be merrying with wooden cup in hand Jig and spread their joy around the land! HEY!
Chorus x2